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BlogJet v2.5.0.15 Blog(博客)桌面軟體 英文破解版





破解說明:安裝完成後,請將光碟 \iNViSiBLE 目錄下的BlogJet,複製到主程式的


BlogJet v2.5.0.15 Blog(博客)桌面軟體 英文破解版

BlogJet 是一個 Blog(博客)桌面工具,支援以下主流Blog系統:

BlogJet is a blog client for Windows that allows you to manage
your blogs without opening a browser. What makes using BlogJet a
lot more comfortable than posting with browser or other blog


Format your posts as you do it in ordinary word processors like
Microsoft Word. No need to learn HTML.

Insert pictures from your computer or camera, resize them or
create thumbnails BlogJet will take care of uploading them to
your blog or FTP server.
Flickr and YouTube Support

Your photos on Flickr and videos on YouTube will complement
your blog and now its easy to insert them to your posts, as
BlogJet supports these services natively.
Spell Checker

Your mistakes wont go unnoticed thanks to BlogJet spell checker,
which supports many languages.
Auto Replace

If you are tired of writing the same thing over and over again,
create an Auto Replace rule for it. For example, when you type
Scoble, BlogJet can replace it with a link to Roberts blog.
File Attachments

Sharing documents and files with your readers is easy just
attach them to your posts.

Post Management and Searching

BlogJet now stores your posts in the cache, so you can access
thousands of your posts in a blink of an eye (even with no
connection). Finding posts is now easier because of the instant
search, which shows results as you type.
Word Counter and Blog Statistics

BlogJet now has a live word counter. And with Statistics feature
you can find out a lot of interesting information about your blog:
how many posts it has, average post length, and number of posts
published by days of week.

If you are on the road and there is no Internet connection, or if
you want to finish your post later, save it as draft. Then you can
get back to finishing and publishing it.
Blog Autodiscovery

RSD. This R-word means that you will be able to work with your
blog in less than a minute after installing BlogJet, because it will
literally configure itself: you only have to enter your blogs
Integration with Browsers
and Feed Readers

BlogJet integrates with Firefox, Internet Explorer, FeedDemon,
RSS Bandit, NewsGator and others for you to be able to blog about
something in just a few clicks.

Supports All Leading Blog Services

WordPress, TypePad, Movable Type, Blogger (new and old), MSN
Spaces, Blogware, BlogHarbor, Squarespace, Drupal, Community
Server, etc.
Current Music Detection

Let your readers know what music you like BlogJet can
automatically insert the title and the artist of the song playing in
iTunes, Winamp or Windows Media Player.
20 High-Quality Smileys

Its not cool to use text smileys anymore-) Thats why BlogJet
can automatically replace them with funny graphics.
Right Typography

BlogJet cares about typography: it automatically replaces quotes
and dashes with proper ones as you type.
Group Posting

If you have several blogs, BlogJet can publish the same post into
each one of them. Even if they are on different blog services.
Modern Interface

As usual, we care about the interface. The easy-to-use graphical
user interface in BlogJet comes with themes. It can look like the
latest Office apps, or match your Windows theme. It also looks
native on Vista.
