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超詳細的文件管理軟體 EndNote X8視頻教學 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)





超詳細的文件管理軟體 EndNote X8視頻教學 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:超詳細的文件管理軟體 EndNote X8視頻教學 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元) 語系版本:英文教學版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:For Windows XP/Vista/7 軟體類型:電腦教學 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2018-07-28 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$200元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=     軟體簡介:   目錄: ├─Adding References │ 01.Four Ways to Import Data from PubMed- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 02.Three Ways to Add References from Web of Science- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 03.Importing Text Files from PubMed- Windows.MP4 │ 04.Direct Export from the Web of Science.MP4 │ 05.Importing Text Files.MP4 │ 06.Online Search in Online Search Mode.MP4 │ 07.Direct Export from Google Scholar.MP4 │ 08.Find Reference Updates.MP4 │ 09.Direct Export from PubMed.MP4 │ 10.Transferring References from Zotero to EndNote.MP4 │ 11.Manual Data Entry.MP4 │ 12.Web of Science Alerts in EndNote Format.MP4 │ 13.Entering Author Names.MP4 │ 14.Export Cited References from the Web of Science.MP4 │ 15.PDF Auto Import Folder.MP4 │ 16.Find Duplicates.MP4 │ 17.Custom Term Lists.MP4 │ 18.Custom Fields and Reference Types.MP4 │ 19.Direct Export from Google Scholar to EndNote or EndNote Online- Windows.MP4 │ 20.Importing Tab-Delimited Files on Windows.MP4 │ ├─Creating Bibliographies │ 01.CWYW for Macintosh- Adding Citations to a Word Document.MP4 │ 02.CWYW for Macintosh- Formatting the Bibliography.MP4 │ 03.CWYW for Macintosh- Editing Citations.MP4 │ 04.CWYW- Adding Citations (Windows).MP4 │ 05.CWYW- Formatting the Bibliography (Windows).MP4 │ 06.CWYW- Editing Citations (Windows).MP4 │ 07.CWYW for Macintosh- Formatting the Bibliography in Word 2016.MP4 │ 08.CWYW for Macintosh- Adding Citations to a Word 2016 Document.MP4 │ 09.CWYW for Macintosh- Editing Citations in Word 2016.MP4 │ 10.Author (Year) Citations.MP4 │ 11.CWYW for Mac- Adding Citations to a Word Document.MP4 │ 12.CWYW for Mac- Formatting the Bibliography.MP4 │ 13.Field Codes.MP4 │ 14.Get More Styles.MP4 │ 15.Title Capitalization.MP4 │ 16.Multiple Bibliographies.MP4 │ 17.What have I cited in my paper-.MP4 │ 18.EndNote Online- Cite While You Write Overview.MP4 │ 19.CWYW for Windows- Editing Citations.MP4 │ 20.CWYW for Windows- Formatting the Bibliography.MP4 │ 21.CWYW for Windows- Adding Citations to a Word Document.MP4 │ 22.Cite While You Write in Apple Pages 5.MP4 │ 23.Independent Bibliographies.MP4 │ 24.Footnotes.MP4 │ ├─EndNote Full Class Recordings │ 01.EndNote X8 on Windows- A Class Recording.MP4 │ 02.EndNote on Macintosh- The Short Course (EndNote X7).MP4 │ 03.EndNote on Windows- The Short Course (EndNote X7).MP4 │ 04.EndNote on the Desktop and Online for Macintosh- A Class Recording.MP4 │ 05.EndNote for Windows on the Desktop and Online- A Class Recording.MP4 │ 06.Building an EndNote Library- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 07.Cite While You Write in Microsoft Word- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 08.Building an EndNote Macintosh Library- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 09.Cite While You Write in Word on Macintosh- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 10.EndNote Online for Macintosh- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 11.EndNote Online- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 12.Building a Simple EndNote Style- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ ├─EndNote X8 │ 01.CWYW for Macintosh- Formatting the Bibliography.mp4 │ 02.CWYW for Macintosh- Adding Citations to a Word Document.mp4 │ 03.CWYW for Macintosh- Editing Citations.mp4 │ 04.Direct Export from Google Scholar to EndNote or EndNote Online Windows.mp4 │ 05.How to Use EndNote in 5 Minutes Windows.mp4 │ 06.How to Use EndNote in 6 Minutes Macintosh.mp4 │ 07.Journal Names How to Set Up a Journals Term List.mp4 │ 08.EndNote X on Macintosh The Short Course.mp4 │ 09.CWYW Adding Citations (Windows).mp4 │ 10.CWYW Formatting the Bibliography (Windows).mp4 │ 11.CWYW Editing Citations (Windows).mp4 │ 12.Importing Text Files from PubMed Windows.mp4 │ 13.Importing Text Files from PubMed Macintosh.mp4 │ 14.What Are You Missing by Using Only EndNote Basic.mp4 │ 15.What's New in EndNote X8.mp4 │ 16.Library Sharing in EndNote X8.mp4 │ 17.EndNote X8 on Windows The Short Course.mp4 │ 18.Using EndNote to Track Your Academic Footprint.mp4 │ ├─Groups, Preferences, and Miscellany │ 01.Journal Names- How to Set Up a Journals Term List.MP4 │ 02.Using the Capture Reference Bookmarklet To Import References to EndNote Online.MP4 │ 03.Smart and Combination Groups.MP4 │ 04.Find Duplicates.MP4 │ 05.Global Edits.MP4 │ 06.Custom Fields and Reference Types.MP4 │ 07.PDF Viewer- Annotations.MP4 │ 08.Attaching Files.MP4 │ 09.PDF Renaming.MP4 │ 10.Sharing Groups of References.MP4 │ 11.Custom Term Lists.MP4 │ 12.Using EndNote to Track Your Academic Footprint.MP4 │ ├─Learn EndNote Podcast │ 01.Custom Term Lists.MP4 │ 02.Smart and Combination Groups.MP4 │ 03.Web of Science Alerts in EndNote Format.MP4 │ 04.Entering Author Names.MP4 │ 05.Export Cited References from the Web of Science.MP4 │ 06.What have I cited in my paper-.MP4 │ 07.PDF Renaming.MP4 │ 08.Multiple Bibliographies.MP4 │ 09.Title Capitalization.MP4 │ 10.PDF Auto Import Folder.MP4 │ 11.Get More Styles.MP4 │ 12.Find Duplicates.MP4 │ 13.PDF Viewer- Annotations.MP4 │ 14.Global Edits.MP4 │ 15.Field Codes.MP4 │ 16.Author (Year) Citations.MP4 │ 17.Attaching Files.MP4 │ 18.Sharing Groups of References.MP4 │ 19.Find Reference Updates.MP4 │ 20.Independent Bibliographies.MP4 │ 21.Footnotes.MP4 │ 22.Custom Fields and Reference Types.MP4 │ 23.Library Basics.MP4 │ ├─Recordings from Live EndNote Classes │ 1.Groups, Syncing, and Sharing References- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 2.CWYW Basics- Macintosh (A Live Class Recording).MP4 │ 3.EndNote Online- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 4.Introduction to Referencing- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 5.Cite While You Write- Basics- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 6.CWYW- Beyond the Basics- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 7.Four Ways to Import Data from PubMed- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 8.Working with PDFs and other attachments- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 9.Three Ways to Add References from Web of Science- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ ├─Starting or Upgrading │ 01.Journal Names- How to Set Up a Journals Term List.MP4 │ 02.EndNote Sync- EndNote X7.1 and Later.MP4 │ 03.How To Use EndNote in 6 Minutes (X7 Macintosh Version).MP4 │ 04.How To Use EndNote in 7 Minutes (X7 Windows Version).MP4 │ 05.Building an EndNote Library- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 06.Building an EndNote Macintosh Library- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 07.Cite While You Write in Microsoft Word- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 08.Cite While You Write in Word on Macintosh- An EndNote Class Recording.MP4 │ 09.Whats New in EndNote X7.MP4 │ 10.EndNote X7 Overview.MP4 │ 11.Entering Author Names.MP4 │ 12.Library Basics.MP4 │ 13.Introduction to Referencing- A Live Class Recording.MP4 │ 14.How to Use EndNote in 6 Minutes- Macintosh.MP4 │ 15.How to Use EndNote in 5 Minutes- Windows.MP4 │ ├─Transitioning from Reference Manager │ 1.EndNote for Reference Manager Users.MP4 │ 2.Converting Reference Manager to EndNote.MP4 │ └─Using EndNote Basic or Online 01.Direct Export from Google Scholar to EndNote or EndNote Online- Windows.MP4 02.What Are You Missing by Using Only EndNote Basic.MP4 03.Installing the Macintosh CWYW Plug-in.MP4 04.Installing the Windows Internet Explorer & Cite While You Write Plug-in.MP4 05.EndNote Online- A Live Class Recording.MP4 06.Manuscript Matcher.MP4 07.EndNote Basic and Online for Windows- Installing the Plug-Ins.MP4 08.EndNote Basic (Mac)- Installing the Cite While You Write Plug-In for Word.MP4 09.EndNote X.- Library Sharing.MP4 10.EndNote Online- Cite While You Write Overview.MP4 11.Sharing Groups of References.MP4 12.EndNote Online- Creating an Account ( of ).MP4 13.EndNote Online- Collecting References ( of ).MP4 14.EndNote Online- Managing References ( of ) .MP4 15.EndNote Basic- Citing References ( of ) .MP4 16.EndNote Online- Sharing References ( of ).MP4 17.EndNote Online- Types of Accounts ( of ).MP4 18.EndNote Online- Manuscript Matcher ( of ).MP4 19.EndNote Online- Importing Text Files ( of ).MP4   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
